It was almost time to head home but before we did we crossed the border into Lesotho for a quick road trip. We started out with a day visit to Tsehlanyane NP before heading up to the high plateau. Lesotho has lots of hiking opporunities but mostly offers longer, guided tours and pony treks, so aside from the stopover at Tsehlanyane we were happy to explore by car.
One of the highlights on this leg was a visit to Afriski, the only serious ski resort in Africa. Even in the middle of summer the place had a rough, winterly charm to it. But in the end the entire drive through Lesotho from the nothern border to the top of Sani pass in the south west was facinating and unforgettable.
Accomodation in Lesotho outside of the larger towns is a concern so we prebooked rooms at Oxbow Lodge, a simple but functional roadside stop that only really awakens during ski season in winter.
At this point I should also give a shout out to the staff at Maliba Lodge who rescued and returned my camera when I forgot it in the parking lot after our hike. Traveling only with my mobile camera through some of the highest mountains and biggest skies in southern Africa for three days was frustrating but permanently loosing the big camera with memory card and all photos from this trip would have been much worse.